Saturday, July 28, 2012

the voyager

“The journey I'm taking is inside me. Just like blood travels down veins, what I'm seeing is my inner self and what seems threatening is just the echo of the fear in my heart.”
― Haruki Murakami, "Kafka on the shore"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gabriel Pacheco

"Frida Kahlo"


"The little mermaid"

"The little mermaid"

"The little mermaid"

"Rojo sobre azul"

Monday, July 23, 2012

The storyteller

“Don’t forget - no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.”, Charles de Lint

Friday, July 6, 2012

Catrin Welz-Stein

"Chasing the moon"

"Frau Holle"


"It happened in the moonlight"

"Last night in my dreams"

"The promise"

"Her garden"

"Free your mind"

"The business men's goodbye"


"Hear me calling"


"Journey to the East"

"Homeward bound"

"Girl with parrot"